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Margarita Calderón, Professor Emerita, John Hopkins University

Alan GreenMargarita Calderón, is professor emerita and senior research scientist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. She has conducted research, training, and curriculum development for teaching language, reading comprehension, and content knowledge to K-12 English learners. Her work has focused on effective instructional processes, two-way and dual-language programs, teacher learning communities, and professional development for schools with language minority populations and striving adolescent readers. Dr. Calderón’s research has been supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institutes of Health, and the Texas Educational Agency. 


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Teachers take part in the course Teaching Reading and Comprehension to English Learners, K-5.

Teaching Reading and Comprehension to English Learners, K-5

Author | Margarita Calderon

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